Guidance & Solutions
The Brampton Board of Trade helps members solve problems including, investment, talent acquisition, building key infrastructure and more. We hold a number of webinars, meetups, and other events where members are able to learn and share experiences to elevate each other and the business community.
Expert Webinar Series
The Expert Series helps you navigate through these challenging times. By bringing experts to you and asking the questions that are top of mind right now, the Brampton Board of Trade and members are providing timely, efficient, and realistic solutions.
Register for the next webinarBusiness Insight Series
Join our free virtual meeting to have open discussions with other local business owners and professionals. You’ll connect with like-minded leaders to learn about the resources available to you, uncover opportunities, share challenges, and work towards solutions together.
Register for the next webinarTalent & Team Management
Brampton Board of Trade Employment Hub – post your job vacancies and share them with the Brampton Board of Trade Network
Click to view Employment HubDeloitte – FY24 Economic Outlook
MNP – How Recruitment & Retention Practices can Shape Your Organization for Better of Worse
Peel Halton Workforce Research Hub – The PHWDG is your leading source for local labour market information and intelligence. As the Peel Halton PHWDG, we provide in-depth analysis to assist employers, service providers and job seekers with the information they need to meet their labour market goals.
Business, Sales, & Marketing
Do you export products or do business in another country?
Click below for our export resources and support services.

Member Stories
Boyd Reid, Co-Founder & COO | Hop In Technologies
The Brampton Board of Trade has been and continues to directly impact the growth of Hop In Technologies. From fun networking events and direct introductions to meet companies experiencing commuting issues with their staff to platforms to highlight our business to the community, being a member has provided so many opportunities to increase sales and build our network.
Technology & IT
Recovery Activation Plan – fully-funded assistance with digital modernization
Trade Accelerator Program: Propel your business towards global growth
How To Apply For CDAP In 5 Minutes:

Brampton Entrepreneur Centre
Get support for your small business through the Brampton Entrepreneur Centre

BizLaunch Entrepreneuer Training
Access free small business seminars and free advice on various business related topic

Healthy Complete Communities
In support of our Community for Life vision, the Region of Peel is reimagining community design.