What is the “I Love Brampton” Campaign and where does the extra fee go?
Many members make a contribution over and above their member rate towards this campaign. Proceeds from the “I Love Brampton” campaign support economic development initiatives. These are initiatives such as the Board of Trade’s advocacy efforts to make Brampton a place where businesses of all sizes want to re-locate, expand or open up. Our staff regularly engage with elected officials at Queens Park and on Parliament Hill to stress the importance of a pro-growth business climate and delivering on Brampton’s big infrastructure priorities like the Main St LRT, Riverwalk and Two-Way All Day Go.
“I Love Brampton” proceeds directly support these economic advocacy efforts and other collaborative efforts that provide a tangible return on investment that benefit all who work or operate a business in our city.
Some of the unique Economic Development initiatives the Brampton Board of Trade undertakes, at additional expense and that are supported by the I Love Brampton Campaign are:
1) Leadership and active participant in Canada’s Innovation Corridor
2) Canadian Global Cities Council
3) American Chamber of Commerce Major Cities Network
4) World Chambers Federation Governing Council.
Each of these Economic Development initiatives require resources, and position Brampton on the global stage. It showcases what Brampton is doing well and benchmarks performance and brings new ideas to our community and membership.
Supporting Advocacy Initiatives
Making the most of your Membership Investment
Shirts and hoodies can be purchased at our office at 36 Queen Street East in Downtown Brampton. Give us a call at 905-451-1122 to reserve one.

T-shirts, $20

Hoodies, $40