Brampton Board of Trade
| 3 minutes

Shape BBOT’s New Professional Networks!

In today’s interconnected world, the importance of professional networks cannot be overstated. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, the connections you make can significantly impact your career trajectory. Research has consistently shown that strong professional networks lead to more job opportunities, increased knowledge, and greater influence within one’s industry. 85% of all jobs are filled through networking, highlighting the critical role these connections play in career advancement.

Recognizing this, the Brampton Board of Trade is excited to announce the formation of two new networks aimed at fostering growth and collaboration within our community: a women’s network and a young professionals’ network. We’re asking you to contribute to the vision and direction of these two groups!

Women’s Network

Women face unique challenges in the workplace, from gender bias to balancing work and family responsibilities. A dedicated women’s network can provide a supportive environment where women can share experiences, mentor each other, and collaborate on initiatives to break down these barriers. Studies have shown that women with strong networks are more likely to achieve senior positions and report higher job satisfaction. The Harvard Business Review found that women with a close-knit circle of female professionals are 2.5 times more likely to hold high-ranking positions.

In Brampton, the need for such a network is particularly pressing. Our city is home to a diverse and dynamic population of professional women who are driving innovation and growth across various sectors, though there are few professional opportunities to connect these women who are greatly contributing to the economy. By establishing a women’s network, the Brampton Board of Trade aims to create a platform where local women can connect, share resources, and advocate for each other, fostering a more inclusive and equitable professional landscape in our community.

Young Professionals’ Network

For young professionals, networking is crucial for career development and finding opportunities for growth. Early-career individuals benefit from guidance, mentorship, and exposure to industry trends. By connecting with peers and experienced professionals, young workers can gain insights and build relationships that pave the way for future success. Mentorship is also crucial for employee retention. There is a 50% higher retention rate among those in mentorship programs compared to those who aren’t, and 93% of mentees say their mentoring relationships are useful to them.

Brampton is home to a vibrant and growing population of young people, brimming with potential and ambition. Brampton has an average age of 37.5, the lowest of Canada’s largest cities. About 23% of Brampton’s population is made of 15- to 29-year-olds. However, despite this abundance of young talent, there is a noticeable lack of formalized professional networks dedicated to connecting Brampton’s youth with career opportunities. This gap means that many young professionals miss out on valuable connections and mentorship that could help them navigate the early stages of their careers more effectively. There are great young professional networks in communities adjacent to Brampton, but there is an opportunity to create meaningful connections within the city. For our senior members who recognize the need to invest in young talent, the young professionals’ network is a great way to give young staff a leadership opportunity to create a brand new network.

Need for Networks in Brampton

In 2023, Brampton experienced a 13.4% increase in the number of businesses, reflecting the rapid growth of its business community. As more professionals choose to live and work here, Brampton is shedding its image as a “sleeper suburb.” To meet the evolving needs of our city, we aim to empower individuals to leverage local talent, network effectively, and establish formal professional networks. These efforts will help us mobilize resources to advance careers and the economy. Formalized groups also foster career opportunities within Brampton, creating a supportive ecosystem. Even if individuals pursue opportunities elsewhere, these networks maintain their connection to our community.

To ensure these networks meet the needs and expectations of our community, the Brampton Board of Trade is calling on you to help shape their direction. We are organizing focus groups to gather input and ideas on how to best structure these networks and the types of events, resources, and support they should offer.

If you’re passionate about empowering women or supporting young professionals in Brampton, we want to hear from you! Sign up for one of our focus groups and be a part of this exciting initiative. Your insights will be invaluable in creating vibrant, effective networks that can drive real change and support professional growth in our community.

Upcoming Events

The Brampton Board of Trade has developed a dynamic series of events tailored to the needs of Brampton businesses. Whether it’s to recognize the individual and collective success of Brampton businesses or to share best practices in a webinar or workshop, our events are designed to connect Brampton’s business community and foster your growth and development.

With ongoing forums, networking events, and Signature events such as our Business Excellence Awards, another event is always around the corner.

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