Brampton Board of Trade
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At Nirvana Wellness Centre we Specialize in Caring for Employees in Manufacturing Industries

Almost everyone has a job that involves aggravated postures. We find this is most pronounced in the manufacturing industry where repetitive movement is involved. We often see people sustain repetitive sprains and strains requiring medical attention and time off work. While these movements cannot be avoided and necessary to do the job, we specialize in improving mobility and strengthening the body by working on the employees’ muscles, joints, nerves and posture to get them back on their feet, drastically decrease injury rates and increase productivity!

Our holistic team of Chiropractic Doctors, Physiotherapists, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths and Massage Therapists specialize in the care for employees and staff in the manufacturing field. Over the last 11 years, we have treated thousands of employees from Chrysler and Amazon to name a few.

How Nirvana Wellness can help treat your Employees:
• Ease discomfort from injury
• Increase their mobility, strength and stability
• Reduce reliance on painkillers
• Relieve chronic pain
• Provide more affordable natural treatment options
• Improve posture
• Increase overall wellness
• Return employees back to work and life
• Rehabilitation: Most importantly educate them on proper movement such as lifting, bending and twisting techniques to prevent injury at work.

We bring Services and Programs directly to your organization.
– Work around your schedule i.e., employees lunch hour to decrease time off work. Services offered On-Site: Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, and fittings of Custom Orthotic, Braces and Compression Stockings.

– “Ask the Doctor” Complimentary Health Seminars. Education is power! Tailored to your employees’ needs and facilitated by our team of Doctors. Popular wellness topics include: Mental Well-Being, Healthy Eating, Managing Physical, Chemical and Emotional Stress, Quick and Easy Stretches to implement at work.

– 20% off our services for Companies affiliated with Brampton Board of Trade, their employees and all BBOT members

– Seamless Process: Direct billing to all major extended healthcare insurance companies such as Canada Life, Manulife, Sun Life, Green Shield and etc.
– We accept WSIB and MVA claims

Our Services:
Chiropractic Care
Physiotherapy & Laser Treatments
Naturopathic Medicine
Registered Massage Therapy
Acupuncture & Cupping
Ion Cleanse Foot Bath
Custom Orthotics
Compression Stockings

Some of the Conditions we treat:
• Rotator Cuff Injury
• Repetitive Sprains and Strains
• Low Back and Neck Pain
• Sciatica
• Heel and Foot pain
• Injuries
• Chronic Pain Syndrome
• Headaches
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Frozen Shoulder
• Post-Surgical Rehab (Knee, Hip and Shoulder surgeries)
• Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
• Concussions
• Dizziness and Vertigo
• Tendonitis, Tendinosis

To learn more: Please visit our website:

Contact Information:
Nirvana Wellness Centre
The Old Shoe Factory
57 Mill Street N, Unit 102. Brampton, ON. L6X 1S2
Social media:
Instagram: @nirvanawellnesscentre
Facebook: @nirvanawellnessbrampton

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