Brampton Board of Trade
| 1 minute

Letter: Naming the Tunneled LRT to Honour Brampton’s Identity

Minister Sarkaria, 

Thank you for your government’s ongoing support for higher-order transit in Brampton. As one of Canada’s largest and fastest-growing cities we appreciate your awareness of the need for comprehensive, reliable, and frequent transit service as part of a vibrant and inclusive place to live and do business. 

The Board of Trade was very pleased with last week’s announced commitment to complete the HMLRT into downtown Brampton. As you are aware our membership has been advocating for this project since 2015 and we appreciate your support toward the critical infrastructure our city requires to reduce gridlock while helping people and goods move more efficiently. This transformative final step will link the LRT to Brampton Transit, Züm, and the GO network, moving our city even closer to the vision of a regionally integrated, well-connected community that serves both our residents and employers. 

In particular we appreciate that the final routing of the LRT reflects the input and unique needs of Brampton, taking into account the nature of our historic downtown, the importance of Main Street/Hurontario as a corridor within our community, and our needs as the third-largest city in the country. Further, data indicates that Brampton is among the leading communities for ridership growth nationally and it stands to reason that usage of the LRT will be significant from our city. It is for these reasons we believe the portion of the LRT within Brampton should also be named in a manner that honours Brampton’s unique nature. Hazel McCallion, although a great civic leader and individual worthy of commemoration, is uniquely associated with the city of Mississauga. We propose that the portion of the LRT within Mississauga continue to be known as the Hazel McCallion LRT but that the portion within Brampton (above County Court Blvd.) be renamed in commemoration of an individual from our city. 

The Brampton Board of Trade would be pleased to work alongside your Ministry and other civic entities to identify suitable options as well engage our community to find an appropriate renaming option. This investment in our city is a historic one and we wish it to acknowledge our status in the province. 

I look forward to your reply, 

Jaipaul Massey-Singh 


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